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"Thuggee" Gold Necklace

Kalakari Shop

"Thuggee" Gold Necklace

sold out

"Thuggee" Gold Necklace


Mirror Gold pendant on 20" gold-plated chain with lobster clasp closure. 

"The word "THUG-LIFE" came from the word Thuggee. The British colonized India and it was a group with in India who resisted the British and they were known as the "Thuggees". They had a similiar tactic like the Mau Maus in Kenya. The British used the word Thugs to refer to any group of Outlaws defying oppression. Since Tupac was confronted by exploitation and oppression he accepted the principle and evolved his meaning of it amongst the same lines. We built the code THUG-LIFE to respond to street life here in America." -Dr. Mutulu Shakur

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